

Aggregated view and reaction information of a story.

storyViews#8d595cd6 flags:# has_viewers:flags.1?true views_count:int forwards_count:flags.2?int reactions:flags.3?Vector<ReactionCount> reactions_count:flags.4?int recent_viewers:flags.0?Vector<long> = StoryViews;
export namespace Raw {
  export class StoryViews {
    constructor(params: {
      hasViewers?: boolean;
      viewsCount: number;
      forwardsCount?: number;
      reactions?: Array<Raw.TypeReactionCount>;
      reactionsCount?: number;
      recentViewers?: Array<bigint>;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0x8d595cd6


  • hasViewers : boolean or undefined

    If set, indicates that the viewers list is currently viewable, and was not yet deleted because the story has expired while the user didn’t have a premium account.

  • viewsCount : number

    View counter of the story

  • forwardsCount : number or undefined

    Forward counter of the story

  • reactions : Array of Raw.TypeReactionCount or undefined

    All reactions sent to this story

  • reactionsCount : number or undefined

    Number of reactions added to the story

  • recentViewers : Array of bigint or undefined

    User ids of some recent viewers of the story