

Story view date and reaction information

storyView#b0bdeac5 flags:# blocked:flags.0?true blocked_my_stories_from:flags.1?true user_id:long date:int reaction:flags.2?Reaction = StoryView;
export namespace Raw {
  export class StoryView {
    constructor(params: {
      blocked?: boolean;
      blockedMyStoriesFrom?: boolean;
      userId: bigint;
      date: number;
      reaction?: Raw.TypeReaction;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xb0bdeac5


  • blocked : boolean or undefined

    Whether we have completely blocked this user, including from viewing more of our stories.

  • blockedMyStoriesFrom : boolean or undefined

    Whether we have blocked this user from viewing more of our stories.

  • userId : bigint

    The user that viewed the story

  • date : number

    When did the user view the story

  • reaction : Raw.TypeReaction or undefined

    If present, contains the reaction that the user left on the story