

Channel statistics.

stats.broadcastStats#396ca5fc period:StatsDateRangeDays followers:StatsAbsValueAndPrev views_per_post:StatsAbsValueAndPrev shares_per_post:StatsAbsValueAndPrev reactions_per_post:StatsAbsValueAndPrev views_per_story:StatsAbsValueAndPrev shares_per_story:StatsAbsValueAndPrev reactions_per_story:StatsAbsValueAndPrev enabled_notifications:StatsPercentValue growth_graph:StatsGraph followers_graph:StatsGraph mute_graph:StatsGraph top_hours_graph:StatsGraph interactions_graph:StatsGraph iv_interactions_graph:StatsGraph views_by_source_graph:StatsGraph new_followers_by_source_graph:StatsGraph languages_graph:StatsGraph reactions_by_emotion_graph:StatsGraph story_interactions_graph:StatsGraph story_reactions_by_emotion_graph:StatsGraph recent_posts_interactions:Vector<PostInteractionCounters> = stats.BroadcastStats;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace stats {
    export class BroadcastStats {
      constructor(params: {
        period: Raw.TypeStatsDateRangeDays;
        followers: Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev;
        viewsPerPost: Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev;
        sharesPerPost: Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev;
        reactionsPerPost: Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev;
        viewsPerStory: Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev;
        sharesPerStory: Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev;
        reactionsPerStory: Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev;
        enabledNotifications: Raw.TypeStatsPercentValue;
        growthGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        followersGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        muteGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        topHoursGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        interactionsGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        ivInteractionsGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        viewsBySourceGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        newFollowersBySourceGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        languagesGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        reactionsByEmotionGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        storyInteractionsGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        storyReactionsByEmotionGraph: Raw.TypeStatsGraph;
        recentPostsInteractions: Array<Raw.TypePostInteractionCounters>;
      }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0x396ca5fc


  • period : Raw.TypeStatsDateRangeDays

    Period in consideration

  • followers : Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev

    Follower count change for period in consideration

  • viewsPerPost : Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev

    TotalViewcount/postcount, for posts posted during the period in consideration. note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (minDate till maxDate), and prev refers to the previous period ((minDate - (maxDate - minDate)) till minDate).

  • sharesPerPost : Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev

    TotalSharecount/postcount, for posts posted during the period in consideration. note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (minDate till maxDate), and prev refers to the previous period ((minDate - (maxDate - minDate)) till minDate)

  • reactionsPerPost : Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev

    TotalReactions/postcount, for posts posted during the period in consideration. note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (minDate till maxDate), and prev refers to the previous period ((minDate - (maxDate - minDate)) till minDate)

  • viewsPerStory : Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev

    TotalViews/storycount, for posts posted during the period in consideration. note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (minDate till maxDate), and prev refers to the previous period ((minDate - (maxDate - minDate)) till minDate)

  • sharesPerStory : Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev

    TotalShares/storycount, for posts posted during the period in consideration. note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (minDate till maxDate), and prev refers to the previous period ((minDate - (maxDate - minDate)) till minDate)

  • reactionsPerStory : Raw.TypeStatsAbsValueAndPrev

    TotalReactions/storycount, for posts posted during the period in consideration. note that in this case, current refers to the period in consideration (minDate till maxDate), and prev refers to the previous period ((minDate - (maxDate - minDate)) till minDate)

  • enabledNotifications : Raw.TypeStatsPercentValue

    Percentage of subscribers with enabled notifications

  • growthGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Channel growth graph (absolute subscriber count)

  • followersGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Followers growth graph (relative subscriber count)

  • muteGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Muted users graph (relative)

  • topHoursGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Views per hour graph (absolute)

  • interactionsGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Interactions graph (absolute)

  • ivInteractionsGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Iv interactions graph (absolute)

  • viewsBySourceGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Views by source graph (absolute)

  • newFollowersBySourceGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    New followers by source graph (absolute)

  • languagesGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    Subscriber language graph (pie chart)

  • reactionsByEmotionGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    A graph containing the number of reactions on posts categorized by emotion

  • storyInteractionsGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    A graph containing the number of story views and shares

  • storyReactionsByEmotionGraph : Raw.TypeStatsGraph

    A graph containing the number of reactions on stories categorized by emotion

  • recentPostsInteractions : Array of Raw.TypePostInteractionCounters

    Detailed statistics about number of views and shares of recently sent messages and stories