

Restriction reason.

restrictionReason#d072acb4 platform:string reason:string text:string = RestrictionReason;
export namespace Raw {
  export class RestrictionReason {
    constructor(params: { platform: string; reason: string; text: string }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0xd072acb4


  • platform : string

    Platform identifier (ios, android, wp, all, etc.), can be concatenated with a dash as separator (android-ios, ios-wp, etc)

  • reason : string

    Restriction reason (porno, terms, etc.). ignore this restriction reason if it is contained in the ignoreRestrictionReasons client configuration parameter.

  • text : string

    Error message to be shown to the user