

Contains info about the current boost status of a peer.

premium.boostsStatus#4959427a flags:# my_boost:flags.2?true level:int current_level_boosts:int boosts:int gift_boosts:flags.4?int next_level_boosts:flags.0?int premium_audience:flags.1?StatsPercentValue boost_url:string prepaid_giveaways:flags.3?Vector<PrepaidGiveaway> my_boost_slots:flags.2?Vector<int> = premium.BoostsStatus;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace premium {
    export class BoostsStatus {
      constructor(params: {
        myBoost?: boolean;
        level: number;
        currentLevelBoosts: number;
        boosts: number;
        giftBoosts?: number;
        nextLevelBoosts?: number;
        premiumAudience?: Raw.TypeStatsPercentValue;
        boostUrl: string;
        prepaidGiveaways?: Array<Raw.TypePrepaidGiveaway>;
        myBoostSlots?: Array<number>;
      }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0x4959427a


  • myBoost : boolean or undefined

    Whether we’re currently boosting this channel/supergroup, myBoostSlots will also be set.

  • level : number

    The current boost level of the channel/supergroup.

  • currentLevelBoosts : number

    The number of boosts acquired so far in the current level.

  • boosts : number

    Total number of boosts acquired so far.

  • giftBoosts : number or undefined

    The number of boosts acquired from created telegram premium gift codes and giveaways; only returned to channel/supergroup admins.

  • nextLevelBoosts : number or undefined

    Total number of boosts needed to reach the next level; if absent, the next level isn’t available.

  • premiumAudience : Raw.TypeStatsPercentValue or undefined

    Only returned to channel/supergroup admins: contains the approximated number of premium users subscribed to the channel/supergroup, related to the total number of subscribers.

  • boostUrl : string

    Boost deep link that can be used to boost the chat.

  • prepaidGiveaways : Array of Raw.TypePrepaidGiveaway or undefined

    A list of prepaid giveaways available for the chat; only returned to channel/supergroup admins.

  • myBoostSlots : Array of number or undefined

    Indicates which of our boost slots we’ve assigned to this peer (populated if myBoost is set).