

Get group call participants

phone.getGroupParticipants#c558d8ab call:InputGroupCall ids:Vector<InputPeer> sources:Vector<int> offset:string limit:int = phone.GroupParticipants;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace phone {
    export class GetGroupParticipants {
      constructor(params: {
        call: Raw.TypeInputGroupCall;
        ids: Array<Raw.TypeInputPeer>;
        sources: Array<number>;
        offset: string;
        limit: number;
      }) {}

This is a function constructor, you can use it as method when call invoke

Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0xc558d8ab


  • call : Raw.TypeInputGroupCall

    Group call

  • ids : Array of Raw.TypeInputPeer

    If specified, will fetch group participant info about the specified peers

  • sources : Array of number

    If specified, will fetch group participant info about the specified webrtc source ids

  • offset : string

    Offset for results, taken from the nextOffset field of phone.groupparticipants, initially an empty string. note: if no more results are available, the method call will return an empty nextOffset; thus, avoid providing the nextOffset returned in phone.groupparticipants if it is empty, to avoid an infinite loop.

  • limit : number

    Maximum number of results to return, see pagination

