List of actions that are possible when interacting with this user, to be shown as suggested actions in the chat action bar, see here for more info.
peerSettings#acd66c5e flags:# report_spam:flags.0?true add_contact:flags.1?true block_contact:flags.2?true share_contact:flags.3?true need_contacts_exception:flags.4?true report_geo:flags.5?true autoarchived:flags.7?true invite_members:flags.8?true request_chat_broadcast:flags.10?true business_bot_paused:flags.11?true business_bot_can_reply:flags.12?true geo_distance:flags.6?int request_chat_title:flags.9?string request_chat_date:flags.9?int business_bot_id:flags.13?long business_bot_manage_url:flags.13?string = PeerSettings;
export namespace Raw {
export class PeerSettings {
constructor(params: {
reportSpam?: boolean;
addContact?: boolean;
blockContact?: boolean;
shareContact?: boolean;
needContactsException?: boolean;
reportGeo?: boolean;
autoarchived?: boolean;
inviteMembers?: boolean;
requestChatBroadcast?: boolean;
businessBotPaused?: boolean;
businessBotCanReply?: boolean;
geoDistance?: number;
requestChatTitle?: string;
requestChatDate?: number;
businessBotId?: bigint;
businessBotManageUrl?: string;
}) {}
This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.
Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0xacd66c5e
: boolean or undefinedWhether we can still report the user for spam
: boolean or undefinedWhether we can add the user as contact
: boolean or undefinedWhether we can block the user
: boolean or undefinedWhether we can share the user’s contact
: boolean or undefinedWhether a special exception for contacts is needed
: boolean or undefinedWhether we can report a geogroup as irrelevant for this location
: boolean or undefinedWhether this peer was automatically archived according to privacy settings and can be unarchived
: boolean or undefinedIf set, this is a recently created group chat to which new members can be invited
: boolean or undefinedThis flag is set if requestChatTitle and requestChatDate fields are set and the join request is related to a channel (otherwise if only the request fields are set, the join request is related to a chat).
: boolean or undefinedThis flag is set if both businessBotId and businessBotManageUrl are set and all connected business bots were paused in this chat using account.toggleconnectedbotpaused.
: boolean or undefinedThis flag is set if both businessBotId and businessBotManageUrl are set and connected business bots can reply to messages in this chat, as specified by the settings during initial configuration.
: number or undefinedDistance in meters between us and this peer
: string or undefinedIf set, this is a private chat with an administrator of a chat or channel to which the user sent a join request, and this field contains the chat/channel’s title.
: number or undefinedIf set, this is a private chat with an administrator of a chat or channel to which the user sent a join request, and this field contains the timestamp when the join request was sent.
: bigint or undefinedContains the id of the business bot managing this chat, used to display info about the bot in the action bar.
: string or undefinedContains a deep link, used to open a management menu in the business bot. this flag is set if and only if businessBotId is set.