

Info about the current telegram star subscriptions, balance and transaction history.

payments.starsStatus#6c9ce8ed flags:# balance:StarsAmount subscriptions:flags.1?Vector<StarsSubscription> subscriptions_next_offset:flags.2?string subscriptions_missing_balance:flags.4?long history:flags.3?Vector<StarsTransaction> next_offset:flags.0?string chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = payments.StarsStatus;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace payments {
    export class StarsStatus {
      constructor(params: {
        balance: Raw.TypeStarsAmount;
        subscriptions?: Array<Raw.TypeStarsSubscription>;
        subscriptionsNextOffset?: string;
        subscriptionsMissingBalance?: bigint;
        history?: Array<Raw.TypeStarsTransaction>;
        nextOffset?: string;
        chats: Array<Raw.TypeChat>;
        users: Array<Raw.TypeUser>;
      }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0x6c9ce8ed


  • balance : Raw.TypeStarsAmount

    Current telegram star balance.

  • subscriptions : Array of Raw.TypeStarsSubscription or undefined

    Info about current telegram star subscriptions, only returned when invoking payments.getstarstransactions and payments.getstarssubscriptions.

  • subscriptionsNextOffset : string or undefined

    Offset for pagination of subscriptions: only usable and returned when invoking payments.getstarssubscriptions.

  • subscriptionsMissingBalance : bigint or undefined

    The number of telegram stars the user should buy to be able to extend expired subscriptions soon (i.e. the current balance is not enough to extend all expired subscriptions).

  • history : Array of Raw.TypeStarsTransaction or undefined

    List of telegram star transactions (partial if nextOffset is set).

  • nextOffset : string or undefined

    Offset to use to fetch more transactions from the transaction history using payments.getstarstransactions.

  • chats : Array of Raw.TypeChat

    Chats mentioned in history.

  • users : Array of Raw.TypeUser

    Users mentioned in history.