

Contains information about a single boost slot.

myBoost#c448415c flags:# slot:int peer:flags.0?Peer date:int expires:int cooldown_until_date:flags.1?int = MyBoost;
export namespace Raw {
  export class MyBoost {
    constructor(params: {
      slot: number;
      peer?: Raw.TypePeer;
      date: number;
      expires: number;
      cooldownUntilDate?: number;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xc448415c


  • slot : number

    Boost slot id

  • peer : Raw.TypePeer or undefined

    If set, indicates this slot is currently occupied, i.e. we are boosting this peer. note that we can assign multiple boost slots to the same peer.

  • date : number

    When (unixtime) we started boosting the peer, 0 otherwise.

  • expires : number

    Indicates the (unixtime) expiration date of the boost in peer (0 if peer is not set).

  • cooldownUntilDate : number or undefined

    If peer is set, indicates the (unixtime) date after which this boost can be reassigned to another channel.