

Transcribed text from a voice message

messages.transcribedAudio#cfb9d957 flags:# pending:flags.0?true transcription_id:long text:string trial_remains_num:flags.1?int trial_remains_until_date:flags.1?int = messages.TranscribedAudio;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace messages {
    export class TranscribedAudio {
      constructor(params: {
        pending?: boolean;
        transcriptionId: bigint;
        text: string;
        trialRemainsNum?: number;
        trialRemainsUntilDate?: number;
      }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xcfb9d957


  • pending : boolean or undefined

    Whether the transcription is partial because audio transcription is still in progress, if set the user may receive further updatetranscribedaudio updates with the updated transcription.

  • transcriptionId : bigint

    Transcription id

  • text : string

    Transcripted text

  • trialRemainsNum : number or undefined

    For non-premium users, this flag will be set, indicating the remaining transcriptions in the free trial period.

  • trialRemainsUntilDate : number or undefined

    For non-premium users, this flag will be set, indicating the date when the trialRemainsNum counter will be reset to the maximum value of transcribeAudioTrialWeeklyNumber.