Open a main mini app.
messages.requestMainWebView#c9e01e7b flags:# compact:flags.7?true fullscreen:flags.8?true peer:InputPeer bot:InputUser start_param:flags.1?string theme_params:flags.0?DataJSON platform:string = WebViewResult;
export namespace Raw {
export namespace messages {
export class RequestMainWebView {
constructor(params: {
compact?: boolean;
fullscreen?: boolean;
peer: Raw.TypeInputPeer;
bot: Raw.TypeInputUser;
startParam?: string;
themeParams?: Raw.TypeDataJSON;
platform: string;
}) {}
This is a function constructor, you can use it as method when call invoke
Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0xc9e01e7b
: boolean or undefinedIf set, requests to open the mini app in compact mode (as opposed to normal or fullscreen mode). must be set if the mode parameter of the main mini app link is equal to compact.
: boolean or undefinedIf set, requests to open the mini app in fullscreen mode (as opposed to compact or normal mode). must be set if the mode parameter of the main mini app link is equal to fullscreen.
: Raw.TypeInputPeerCurrently open chat, may be inputpeerempty if no chat is currently open.
: Raw.TypeInputUserBot that owns the main mini app.
: string or undefinedStart parameter, if opening from a main mini app link.
: Raw.TypeDataJSON or undefinedTheme parameters
: stringShort name of the application; 0-64 english letters, digits, and underscores