

Open a bot mini app from a direct mini app deep link, sending over user information after user confirmation.

messages.requestAppWebView#53618bce flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true compact:flags.7?true fullscreen:flags.8?true peer:InputPeer app:InputBotApp start_param:flags.1?string theme_params:flags.2?DataJSON platform:string = WebViewResult;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace messages {
    export class RequestAppWebView {
      constructor(params: {
        writeAllowed?: boolean;
        compact?: boolean;
        fullscreen?: boolean;
        peer: Raw.TypeInputPeer;
        app: Raw.TypeInputBotApp;
        startParam?: string;
        themeParams?: Raw.TypeDataJSON;
        platform: string;
      }) {}

This is a function constructor, you can use it as method when call invoke

Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0x53618bce


  • writeAllowed : boolean or undefined

    Set this flag if the bot is asking permission to send messages to the user as specified in the direct mini app deep link docs, and the user agreed.

  • compact : boolean or undefined

    If set, requests to open the mini app in compact mode (as opposed to normal or fullscreen mode). must be set if the mode parameter of the direct mini app deep link is equal to compact.

  • fullscreen : boolean or undefined

    If set, requests to open the mini app in fullscreen mode (as opposed to compact or normal mode). must be set if the mode parameter of the direct mini app deep link is equal to fullscreen.

  • peer : Raw.TypeInputPeer

    If the client has clicked on the link in a telegram chat, pass the chat’s peer information; otherwise pass the bot’s peer information, instead.

  • app : Raw.TypeInputBotApp

    The app obtained by invoking messages.getbotapp as specified in the direct mini app deep link docs.

  • startParam : string or undefined

    If the startapp query string parameter is present in the direct mini app deep link, pass it to startParam.

  • themeParams : Raw.TypeDataJSON or undefined

    Theme parameters

  • platform : string

    Short name of the application; 0-64 english letters, digits, and underscores

