

Incomplete list of messages and auxiliary data.

messages.messagesSlice#3a54685e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int offset_id_offset:flags.2?int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace messages {
    export class MessagesSlice {
      constructor(params: {
        inexact?: boolean;
        count: number;
        nextRate?: number;
        offsetIdOffset?: number;
        messages: Array<Raw.TypeMessage>;
        chats: Array<Raw.TypeChat>;
        users: Array<Raw.TypeUser>;
      }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0x3a54685e


  • inexact : boolean or undefined

    If set, indicates that the results may be inexact

  • count : number

    Total number of messages in the list

  • nextRate : number or undefined

    Rate to use in the offsetRate parameter in the next call to messages.searchglobal

  • offsetIdOffset : number or undefined

    Indicates the absolute position of messages[0] within the total result set with count count. this is useful, for example, if the result was fetched using offsetId, and we need to display a progress/total counter (like photo 134 of 200, for all media in a chat, we could simply use photo offsetIdOffset of count.

  • messages : Array of Raw.TypeMessage

    List of messages

  • chats : Array of Raw.TypeChat

    List of chats mentioned in messages

  • users : Array of Raw.TypeUser

    List of users mentioned in messages and chats