

Contains info about successfully or unsuccessfully invited users.

messages.invitedUsers#7f5defa6 updates:Updates missing_invitees:Vector<MissingInvitee> = messages.InvitedUsers;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace messages {
    export class InvitedUsers {
      constructor(params: {
        updates: Raw.TypeUpdates;
        missingInvitees: Array<Raw.TypeMissingInvitee>;
      }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0x7f5defa6


  • updates : Raw.TypeUpdates

    List of updates about successfully invited users (and eventually info about the created group)

  • missingInvitees : Array of Raw.TypeMissingInvitee

    A list of users that could not be invited, along with the reason why they couldn’t be invited.