

Deletes communication history.

messages.deleteHistory#b08f922a flags:# just_clear:flags.0?true revoke:flags.1?true peer:InputPeer max_id:int min_date:flags.2?int max_date:flags.3?int = messages.AffectedHistory;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace messages {
    export class DeleteHistory {
      constructor(params: {
        justClear?: boolean;
        revoke?: boolean;
        peer: Raw.TypeInputPeer;
        maxId: number;
        minDate?: number;
        maxDate?: number;
      }) {}

This is a function constructor, you can use it as method when call invoke

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xb08f922a


  • justClear : boolean or undefined

    Just clear history for the current user, without actually removing messages for every chat user

  • revoke : boolean or undefined

    Whether to delete the message history for all chat participants

  • peer : Raw.TypeInputPeer

    User or chat, communication history of which will be deleted

  • maxId : number

    Maximum id of message to delete

  • minDate : number or undefined

    Delete all messages newer than this unix timestamp

  • maxDate : number or undefined

    Delete all messages older than this unix timestamp

