

Contains information about a direct link mini app

messages.botApp#eb50adf5 flags:# inactive:flags.0?true request_write_access:flags.1?true has_settings:flags.2?true app:BotApp = messages.BotApp;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace messages {
    export class BotApp {
      constructor(params: {
        inactive?: boolean;
        requestWriteAccess?: boolean;
        hasSettings?: boolean;
        app: Raw.TypeBotApp;
      }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xeb50adf5


  • inactive : boolean or undefined

    Whether the web app was never used by the user, and confirmation must be asked from the user before opening it.

  • requestWriteAccess : boolean or undefined

    The bot is asking permission to send messages to the user: if the user agrees, set the writeAllowed flag when invoking messages.requestappwebview.

  • hasSettings : boolean or undefined

    Deprecated flag, can be ignored.

  • app : Raw.TypeBotApp

    Bot app information