

Message replies and thread information

messageReplyHeader#afbc09db flags:# reply_to_scheduled:flags.2?true forum_topic:flags.3?true quote:flags.9?true reply_to_msg_id:flags.4?int reply_to_peer_id:flags.0?Peer reply_from:flags.5?MessageFwdHeader reply_media:flags.8?MessageMedia reply_to_top_id:flags.1?int quote_text:flags.6?string quote_entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> quote_offset:flags.10?int = MessageReplyHeader;
export namespace Raw {
  export class MessageReplyHeader {
    constructor(params: {
      replyToScheduled?: boolean;
      forumTopic?: boolean;
      quote?: boolean;
      replyToMsgId?: number;
      replyToPeerId?: Raw.TypePeer;
      replyFrom?: Raw.TypeMessageFwdHeader;
      replyMedia?: Raw.TypeMessageMedia;
      replyToTopId?: number;
      quoteText?: string;
      quoteEntities?: Array<Raw.TypeMessageEntity>;
      quoteOffset?: number;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xafbc09db


  • replyToScheduled : boolean or undefined

    This is a reply to a scheduled message.

  • forumTopic : boolean or undefined

    Whether this message was sent in a forum topic (except for the general topic).

  • quote : boolean or undefined

    Whether this message is quoting a part of another message.

  • replyToMsgId : number or undefined

    Id of message to which this message is replying

  • replyToPeerId : Raw.TypePeer or undefined

    For replies sent in channel discussion threads of which the current user is not a member, the discussion group id

  • replyFrom : Raw.TypeMessageFwdHeader or undefined

    When replying to a message sent by a certain peer to another chat, contains info about the peer that originally sent the message to that other chat.

  • replyMedia : Raw.TypeMessageMedia or undefined

    When replying to a media sent by a certain peer to another chat, contains the media of the replied-to message.

  • replyToTopId : number or undefined

    Id of the message that started this message thread

  • quoteText : string or undefined

    Used to quote-reply to only a certain section (specified here) of the original message.

  • quoteEntities : Array of Raw.TypeMessageEntity or undefined

    Message entities for styled text from the quoteText field.

  • quoteOffset : number or undefined

    Offset of the message quoteText within the original message (in utf-16 code units).