Info about an update of telegram’s terms of service. if the terms of service are declined, then the account.deleteaccount method should be called with the reason “decline tos update”
help.termsOfServiceUpdate#28ecf961 expires:int terms_of_service:help.TermsOfService = help.TermsOfServiceUpdate;
export namespace Raw {
export namespace help {
export class TermsOfServiceUpdate {
constructor(params: { expires: number; termsOfService: Raw.help.TypeTermsOfService }) {}
This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.
Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0x28ecf961
: numberNew tos updates will have to be queried using help.gettermsofserviceupdate in expires seconds
: Raw.help.TypeTermsOfServiceNew terms of service