Represents a color palette that can be used in profile pages.
help.peerColorProfileSet#767d61eb palette_colors:Vector<int> bg_colors:Vector<int> story_colors:Vector<int> = help.PeerColorSet;
export namespace Raw {
export namespace help {
export class PeerColorProfileSet {
constructor(params: {
paletteColors: Array<number>;
bgColors: Array<number>;
storyColors: Array<number>;
}) {}
This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.
Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0x767d61eb
: Array of numberA list of 1-2 colors in rgb format, shown in the color palette settings to describe the current palette.
: Array of numberA list of 1-2 colors in rgb format describing the colors used to generate the actual background used in the profile page.
: Array of numberA list of 2 colors in rgb format describing the colors of the gradient used for the unread active story indicator around the profile photo.