

Info about a group call participant

groupCallParticipant#eba636fe flags:# muted:flags.0?true left:flags.1?true can_self_unmute:flags.2?true just_joined:flags.4?true versioned:flags.5?true min:flags.8?true muted_by_you:flags.9?true volume_by_admin:flags.10?true self:flags.12?true video_joined:flags.15?true peer:Peer date:int active_date:flags.3?int source:int volume:flags.7?int about:flags.11?string raise_hand_rating:flags.13?long video:flags.6?GroupCallParticipantVideo presentation:flags.14?GroupCallParticipantVideo = GroupCallParticipant;
export namespace Raw {
  export class GroupCallParticipant {
    constructor(params: {
      muted?: boolean;
      left?: boolean;
      canSelfUnmute?: boolean;
      justJoined?: boolean;
      versioned?: boolean;
      min?: boolean;
      mutedByYou?: boolean;
      volumeByAdmin?: boolean;
      self?: boolean;
      videoJoined?: boolean;
      peer: Raw.TypePeer;
      date: number;
      activeDate?: number;
      source: number;
      volume?: number;
      about?: string;
      raiseHandRating?: bigint;
      video?: Raw.TypeGroupCallParticipantVideo;
      presentation?: Raw.TypeGroupCallParticipantVideo;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xeba636fe


  • muted : boolean or undefined

    Whether the participant is muted

  • left : boolean or undefined

    Whether the participant has left

  • canSelfUnmute : boolean or undefined

    Whether the participant can unmute themselves

  • justJoined : boolean or undefined

    Whether the participant has just joined

  • versioned : boolean or undefined

    If set, and updategroupcallparticipants.version < locally stored call.version, info about this participant should be ignored. if (…), and updategroupcallparticipants.version > call.version+1, the participant list should be refetched using phone.getgroupparticipants.

  • min : boolean or undefined

    If not set, the volume and mutedByYou fields can be safely used to overwrite locally cached information; otherwise, volume will contain valid information only if volumeByAdmin is set both in the cache and in the received constructor.

  • mutedByYou : boolean or undefined

    Whether this participant was muted by the current user

  • volumeByAdmin : boolean or undefined

    Whether our volume can only changed by an admin

  • self : boolean or undefined

    Whether this participant is the current user

  • videoJoined : boolean or undefined

    Whether this participant is currently broadcasting video

  • peer : Raw.TypePeer

    Peer information

  • date : number

    When did this participant join the group call

  • activeDate : number or undefined

    When was this participant last active in the group call

  • source : number

    Source id

  • volume : number or undefined

    Volume, if not set the volume is set to 100%.

  • about : string or undefined

    Info about this participant

  • raiseHandRating : bigint or undefined

    Specifies the ui visualization order of peers with raised hands: peers with a higher rating should be showed first in the list.

  • video : Raw.TypeGroupCallParticipantVideo or undefined

    Info about the video stream the participant is currently broadcasting

  • presentation : Raw.TypeGroupCallParticipantVideo or undefined

    Info about the screen sharing stream the participant is currently broadcasting