

Info about a group call or livestream

groupCall#d597650c flags:# join_muted:flags.1?true can_change_join_muted:flags.2?true join_date_asc:flags.6?true schedule_start_subscribed:flags.8?true can_start_video:flags.9?true record_video_active:flags.11?true rtmp_stream:flags.12?true listeners_hidden:flags.13?true id:long access_hash:long participants_count:int title:flags.3?string stream_dc_id:flags.4?int record_start_date:flags.5?int schedule_date:flags.7?int unmuted_video_count:flags.10?int unmuted_video_limit:int version:int = GroupCall;
export namespace Raw {
  export class GroupCall {
    constructor(params: {
      joinMuted?: boolean;
      canChangeJoinMuted?: boolean;
      joinDateAsc?: boolean;
      scheduleStartSubscribed?: boolean;
      canStartVideo?: boolean;
      recordVideoActive?: boolean;
      rtmpStream?: boolean;
      listenersHidden?: boolean;
      id: bigint;
      accessHash: bigint;
      participantsCount: number;
      title?: string;
      streamDcId?: number;
      recordStartDate?: number;
      scheduleDate?: number;
      unmutedVideoCount?: number;
      unmutedVideoLimit: number;
      version: number;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xd597650c


  • joinMuted : boolean or undefined

    Whether the user should be muted upon joining the call

  • canChangeJoinMuted : boolean or undefined

    Whether the current user can change the value of the joinMuted flag using phone.togglegroupcallsettings

  • joinDateAsc : boolean or undefined

    Specifies the ordering to use when locally sorting by date and displaying in the ui group call participants.

  • scheduleStartSubscribed : boolean or undefined

    Whether we subscribed to the scheduled call

  • canStartVideo : boolean or undefined

    Whether you can start streaming video into the call

  • recordVideoActive : boolean or undefined

    Whether the group call is currently being recorded

  • rtmpStream : boolean or undefined

    Whether rtmp streams are allowed

  • listenersHidden : boolean or undefined

    Whether the listeners list is hidden and cannot be fetched using phone.getgroupparticipants. the phone.groupparticipants.count and groupcall.participantsCount counters will still include listeners.

  • id : bigint

    Group call id

  • accessHash : bigint

    Group call access hash

  • participantsCount : number

    Participant count

  • title : string or undefined

    Group call title

  • streamDcId : number or undefined

    Dc id to be used for livestream chunks

  • recordStartDate : number or undefined

    When was the recording started

  • scheduleDate : number or undefined

    When is the call scheduled to start

  • unmutedVideoCount : number or undefined

    Number of people currently streaming video into the call

  • unmutedVideoLimit : number

    Maximum number of people allowed to stream video into the call

  • version : number
