

Represents a forum topic.

forumTopic#71701da9 flags:# my:flags.1?true closed:flags.2?true pinned:flags.3?true short:flags.5?true hidden:flags.6?true id:int date:int title:string icon_color:int icon_emoji_id:flags.0?long top_message:int read_inbox_max_id:int read_outbox_max_id:int unread_count:int unread_mentions_count:int unread_reactions_count:int from_id:Peer notify_settings:PeerNotifySettings draft:flags.4?DraftMessage = ForumTopic;
export namespace Raw {
  export class ForumTopic {
    constructor(params: {
      my?: boolean;
      closed?: boolean;
      pinned?: boolean;
      short?: boolean;
      hidden?: boolean;
      id: number;
      date: number;
      title: string;
      iconColor: number;
      iconEmojiId?: bigint;
      topMessage: number;
      readInboxMaxId: number;
      readOutboxMaxId: number;
      unreadCount: number;
      unreadMentionsCount: number;
      unreadReactionsCount: number;
      fromId: Raw.TypePeer;
      notifySettings: Raw.TypePeerNotifySettings;
      draft?: Raw.TypeDraftMessage;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0x71701da9


  • my : boolean or undefined

    Whether the topic was created by the current user

  • closed : boolean or undefined

    Whether the topic is closed (no messages can be sent to it)

  • pinned : boolean or undefined

    Whether the topic is pinned

  • short : boolean or undefined

    Whether this constructor is a reduced version of the full topic information. if set, only the my, closed, id, date, title, iconColor, iconEmojiId and fromId parameters will contain valid information. reduced info is usually only returned in topic-related admin log events and in the messages.channelmessages constructor: if needed, full information can be fetched using channels.getforumtopicsbyid.

  • hidden : boolean or undefined

    Whether the topic is hidden (only valid for the “general” topic, id=1)

  • id : number

    Topic id

  • date : number

    Topic creation date

  • title : string

    Topic title

  • iconColor : number

    If no custom emoji icon is specified, specifies the color of the fallback topic icon (rgb), one of 0x6fb9f0, 0xffd67e, 0xcb86db, 0x8eee98, 0xff93b2, or 0xfb6f5f.

  • iconEmojiId : bigint or undefined

    Id of the custom emoji used as topic icon.

  • topMessage : number

    Id of the last message that was sent to this topic

  • readInboxMaxId : number

    Position up to which all incoming messages are read.

  • readOutboxMaxId : number

    Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.

  • unreadCount : number

    Number of unread messages

  • unreadMentionsCount : number

    Number of unread mentions

  • unreadReactionsCount : number

    Number of unread reactions to messages you sent

  • fromId : Raw.TypePeer

    Id of the peer that created the topic

  • notifySettings : Raw.TypePeerNotifySettings

    Notification settings

  • draft : Raw.TypeDraftMessage or undefined

    Message draft