

Document attached to a message in a secret chat.

decryptedMessageMediaDocument#7afe8ae2 thumb:bytes thumb_w:int thumb_h:int mime_type:string size:int key:bytes iv:bytes attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> caption:string = DecryptedMessageMedia;
export namespace Raw {
  export class DecryptedMessageMediaDocument45 {
    constructor(params: {
      thumb: Buffer;
      thumbW: number;
      thumbH: number;
      mimeType: string;
      size: number;
      key: Buffer;
      iv: Buffer;
      attributes: Array<Raw.TypeDocumentAttribute>;
      caption: string;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0x7afe8ae2


  • thumb : Buffer

    Thumbnail-file contents (jpeg-file, quality 55, set in a 90x90 square)

  • thumbW : number

    Thumbnail width

  • thumbH : number

    Thumbnail height

  • mimeType : string

    File mime-type

  • size : number

    Document size (int on layer <143, long on layer >=143)

  • key : Buffer

    Key to decrypt the attached document file

  • iv : Buffer


  • attributes : Array of Raw.TypeDocumentAttribute

    Document attributes for media types

  • caption : string
