

Current configuration

config#cc1a241e flags:# default_p2p_contacts:flags.3?true preload_featured_stickers:flags.4?true revoke_pm_inbox:flags.6?true blocked_mode:flags.8?true force_try_ipv6:flags.14?true date:int expires:int test_mode:Bool this_dc:int dc_options:Vector<DcOption> dc_txt_domain_name:string chat_size_max:int megagroup_size_max:int forwarded_count_max:int online_update_period_ms:int offline_blur_timeout_ms:int offline_idle_timeout_ms:int online_cloud_timeout_ms:int notify_cloud_delay_ms:int notify_default_delay_ms:int push_chat_period_ms:int push_chat_limit:int edit_time_limit:int revoke_time_limit:int revoke_pm_time_limit:int rating_e_decay:int stickers_recent_limit:int channels_read_media_period:int tmp_sessions:flags.0?int call_receive_timeout_ms:int call_ring_timeout_ms:int call_connect_timeout_ms:int call_packet_timeout_ms:int me_url_prefix:string autoupdate_url_prefix:flags.7?string gif_search_username:flags.9?string venue_search_username:flags.10?string img_search_username:flags.11?string static_maps_provider:flags.12?string caption_length_max:int message_length_max:int webfile_dc_id:int suggested_lang_code:flags.2?string lang_pack_version:flags.2?int base_lang_pack_version:flags.2?int reactions_default:flags.15?Reaction autologin_token:flags.16?string = Config;
export namespace Raw {
  export class Config {
    constructor(params: {
      defaultP2pContacts?: boolean;
      preloadFeaturedStickers?: boolean;
      revokePmInbox?: boolean;
      blockedMode?: boolean;
      forceTryIpv6?: boolean;
      date: number;
      expires: number;
      testMode: boolean;
      thisDc: number;
      dcOptions: Array<Raw.TypeDcOption>;
      dcTxtDomainName: string;
      chatSizeMax: number;
      megagroupSizeMax: number;
      forwardedCountMax: number;
      onlineUpdatePeriodMs: number;
      offlineBlurTimeoutMs: number;
      offlineIdleTimeoutMs: number;
      onlineCloudTimeoutMs: number;
      notifyCloudDelayMs: number;
      notifyDefaultDelayMs: number;
      pushChatPeriodMs: number;
      pushChatLimit: number;
      editTimeLimit: number;
      revokeTimeLimit: number;
      revokePmTimeLimit: number;
      ratingEDecay: number;
      stickersRecentLimit: number;
      channelsReadMediaPeriod: number;
      tmpSessions?: number;
      callReceiveTimeoutMs: number;
      callRingTimeoutMs: number;
      callConnectTimeoutMs: number;
      callPacketTimeoutMs: number;
      meUrlPrefix: string;
      autoupdateUrlPrefix?: string;
      gifSearchUsername?: string;
      venueSearchUsername?: string;
      imgSearchUsername?: string;
      staticMapsProvider?: string;
      captionLengthMax: number;
      messageLengthMax: number;
      webfileDcId: number;
      suggestedLangCode?: string;
      langPackVersion?: number;
      baseLangPackVersion?: number;
      reactionsDefault?: Raw.TypeReaction;
      autologinToken?: string;
    }) {}

This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xcc1a241e


  • defaultP2pContacts : boolean or undefined

    Whether the client should use p2p by default for phone calls with contacts

  • preloadFeaturedStickers : boolean or undefined

    Whether the client should preload featured stickers

  • revokePmInbox : boolean or undefined

    Whether incoming private messages can be deleted for both participants

  • blockedMode : boolean or undefined

    Indicates that telegram is probably censored by governments/isps in the current region

  • forceTryIpv6 : boolean or undefined

    Whether to forcefully connect using ipv6 dcoptions, even if the client knows that ipv4 is available.

  • date : number

    Current date at the server

  • expires : number

    Expiration date of this config: when it expires it’ll have to be refetched using help.getconfig

  • testMode : boolean

    Whether we’re connected to the test dcs

  • thisDc : number

    Id of the dc that returned the reply

  • dcOptions : Array of Raw.TypeDcOption

    Dc ip list

  • dcTxtDomainName : string

    Domain name for fetching encrypted dc list from dns txt record

  • chatSizeMax : number

    Maximum member count for normal groups

  • megagroupSizeMax : number

    Maximum member count for supergroups

  • forwardedCountMax : number

    Maximum number of messages that can be forwarded at once using messages.forwardmessages.

  • onlineUpdatePeriodMs : number

    The client should update its online status every n milliseconds

  • offlineBlurTimeoutMs : number

    Delay before offline status needs to be sent to the server

  • offlineIdleTimeoutMs : number

    Time without any user activity after which it should be treated offline

  • onlineCloudTimeoutMs : number

    If we are offline, but were online from some other client in last onlineCloudTimeoutMs milliseconds after we had gone offline, then delay offline notification for notifyCloudDelayMs milliseconds.

  • notifyCloudDelayMs : number

    If we are offline, but online from some other client then delay sending the offline notification for notifyCloudDelayMs milliseconds.

  • notifyDefaultDelayMs : number

    If some other client is online, then delay notification for notificationDefaultDelayMs milliseconds

  • pushChatPeriodMs : number

    Not for client use

  • pushChatLimit : number

    Not for client use

  • editTimeLimit : number

    Only messages with age smaller than the one specified can be edited

  • revokeTimeLimit : number

    Only channel/supergroup messages with age smaller than the specified can be deleted

  • revokePmTimeLimit : number

    Only private messages with age smaller than the specified can be deleted

  • ratingEDecay : number

    Exponential decay rate for computing top peer rating

  • stickersRecentLimit : number

    Maximum number of recent stickers

  • channelsReadMediaPeriod : number

    Indicates that round videos (video notes) and voice messages sent in channels and older than the specified period must be marked as read

  • tmpSessions : number or undefined

    Temporary passport sessions

  • callReceiveTimeoutMs : number

    Maximum allowed outgoing ring time in voip calls: if the user we’re calling doesn’t reply within the specified time (in milliseconds), we should hang up the call

  • callRingTimeoutMs : number

    Maximum allowed incoming ring time in voip calls: if the current user doesn’t reply within the specified time (in milliseconds), the call will be automatically refused

  • callConnectTimeoutMs : number

    Voip connection timeout: if the instance of libtgvoip on the other side of the call doesn’t connect to our instance of libtgvoip within the specified time (in milliseconds), the call must be aborted

  • callPacketTimeoutMs : number

    If during a voip call a packet isn’t received for the specified period of time, the call must be aborted

  • meUrlPrefix : string

    The domain to use to parse deep links.

  • autoupdateUrlPrefix : string or undefined

    Url to use to auto-update the current app

  • gifSearchUsername : string or undefined

    Username of the bot to use to search for gifs

  • venueSearchUsername : string or undefined

    Username of the bot to use to search for venues

  • imgSearchUsername : string or undefined

    Username of the bot to use for image search

  • staticMapsProvider : string or undefined

    Id of the map provider to use for venues

  • captionLengthMax : number

    Maximum length of caption (length in utf8 codepoints)

  • messageLengthMax : number

    Maximum length of messages (length in utf8 codepoints)

  • webfileDcId : number

    Dc id to use to download webfiles

  • suggestedLangCode : string or undefined

    Suggested language code

  • langPackVersion : number or undefined

    Language pack version

  • baseLangPackVersion : number or undefined

    Basic language pack version

  • reactionsDefault : Raw.TypeReaction or undefined

    Default message reaction

  • autologinToken : string or undefined

    Autologin token, click here for more info on url authorization.