

Create a forum topic; requires manageTopics rights.

channels.createForumTopic#f40c0224 flags:# channel:InputChannel title:string icon_color:flags.0?int icon_emoji_id:flags.3?long random_id:long send_as:flags.2?InputPeer = Updates;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace channels {
    export class CreateForumTopic {
      constructor(params: {
        channel: Raw.TypeInputChannel;
        title: string;
        iconColor?: number;
        iconEmojiId?: bigint;
        randomId: bigint;
        sendAs?: Raw.TypeInputPeer;
      }) {}

This is a function constructor, you can use it as method when call invoke

Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0xf40c0224


  • channel : Raw.TypeInputChannel

    The forum

  • title : string

    Topic title (maximum utf-8 length: 128)

  • iconColor : number or undefined

    If no custom emoji icon is specified, specifies the color of the fallback topic icon (rgb), one of 0x6fb9f0, 0xffd67e, 0xcb86db, 0x8eee98, 0xff93b2, or 0xfb6f5f.

  • iconEmojiId : bigint or undefined

    Id of the custom emoji used as topic icon. telegram premium users can use any custom emoji, other users can only use the custom emojis contained in the inputstickersetemojidefaulttopicicons emoji pack.

  • randomId : bigint

    Unique client message id to prevent duplicate sending of the same event

  • sendAs : Raw.TypeInputPeer or undefined

    Create the topic as the specified peer



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