

Binds a temporary authorization key tempAuthKeyId to the permanent authorization key permAuthKeyId. each permanent key may only be bound to one temporary key at a time, binding a new temporary key overwrites the previous one.

auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace auth {
    export class BindTempAuthKey {
      constructor(params: {
        permAuthKeyId: bigint;
        nonce: bigint;
        expiresAt: number;
        encryptedMessage: Buffer;
      }) {}

This is a function constructor, you can use it as method when call invoke

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xcdd42a05


  • permAuthKeyId : bigint

    Permanent authKeyId to bind to

  • nonce : bigint

    Random long from binding message contents

  • expiresAt : number

    Unix timestamp to invalidate temporary key, see binding message contents

  • encryptedMessage : Buffer

    See generating encryptedMessage



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