Represents an attachment menu icon for bot mini apps
attachMenuBotIcon#b2a7386b flags:# name:string icon:Document colors:flags.0?Vector<AttachMenuBotIconColor> = AttachMenuBotIcon;
export namespace Raw {
export class AttachMenuBotIcon {
constructor(params: {
name: string;
icon: Raw.TypeDocument;
colors?: Array<Raw.TypeAttachMenuBotIconColor>;
}) {}
This is a types constructor, you can’t use it as method when call invoke.
Layer: 198
Constructor ID: 0xb2a7386b
: stringOne of the following values: note that animated icons must be played when the user clicks on the button, activating the bot mini app. defaultStatic - default attachment menu icon in svg format placeholderStatic - default placeholder for opened web apps in svg format iosStatic - attachment menu icon in svg format for the official ios app iosAnimated - animated attachment menu icon in tgs format for the official ios app androidAnimated - animated attachment menu icon in tgs format for the official android app macosAnimated - animated attachment menu icon in tgs format for the official native mac os app iosSideMenuStatic - side menu icon in png format for the official ios app androidSideMenuStatic - side menu icon in svg format for the official android app macosSideMenuStatic - side menu icon in png format for the official native mac os app
: Raw.TypeDocumentThe actual icon file.
: Array of Raw.TypeAttachMenuBotIconColor or undefinedAttachment menu icon colors.