

Register device to receive push notifications

account.registerDevice#ec86017a flags:# no_muted:flags.0?true token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector<long> = Bool;
export namespace Raw {
  export namespace account {
    export class RegisterDevice {
      constructor(params: {
        noMuted?: boolean;
        tokenType: number;
        token: string;
        appSandbox: boolean;
        secret: Buffer;
        otherUids: Array<bigint>;
      }) {}

This is a function constructor, you can use it as method when call invoke

Layer: 185
Constructor ID: 0xec86017a


  • noMuted : boolean or undefined

    Avoid receiving (silent and invisible background) notifications. useful to save battery.

  • tokenType : number

    Device token type, see push updates for the possible values.

  • token : string

    Device token, see push updates for the possible values.

  • appSandbox : boolean

    If (booltrue) is transmitted, a sandbox-certificate will be used during transmission.

  • secret : Buffer

    For fcm and apns voip, optional encryption key used to encrypt push notifications

  • otherUids : Array of bigint

    List of user identifiers of other users currently using the client

